USB adapter for receiver
Using this adapter and give you the ability to use your transmitter, connected to your PC and use as analog control. Perfect for VRC Pro©.
Driver free and and just connect plug to your receiver CH1 (Steering) and CH2 (Throttle) and ready to go for race on internet.
Techincal spec:
- Using USB Type A plug
- Single wire for steering; triple wire for throttle and power supply to receiver
- Compatible with most of the receiver (Futabe, KO, Flysky)
- SSL mode in Sanwa receiver can't be use
Using this adapter and give you the ability to use your transmitter, connected to your PC and use as analog control. Perfect for VRC Pro©.
Driver free and and just connect plug to your receiver CH1 (Steering) and CH2 (Throttle) and ready to go for race on internet.
Techincal spec:
- Using USB Type A plug
- Single wire for steering; triple wire for throttle and power supply to receiver
- Compatible with most of the receiver (Futabe, KO, Flysky)
- SSL mode in Sanwa receiver can't be use